Latest News & Announcements

Library Participates in Tree Planting Event Organised by the Faculty of Agriculture at the Upper Kabete Campus

The Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) organized this year’s tree planting event which took place at the Upper Kabete field station moor on 13th May 2022. In total 2000 seedlings were planted. The library was represented by 14 members of staff led by the Deputy Director of Planning (DDP) Mr. George Nyalwal.


On May 10, 2022, the Library hosted representatives from Snapplify, an ed-tech (educational technology) company, specializing in digital education content, and other related educational services. Snapplify is an ebook aggregator and distributor, with an ebook offering of over 500,000 titles from more than 250 publishers.

The organization has worked with thousands of schools across Africa, offering them useful digital educational tools.

Benchmarking visit to Tangaza University College

The Tangaza University College hosted a Team from the University of Nairobi on April 4, 2022, to share knowledge and learn the best practices in disability inclusion. The University of Nairobi Team comprised of the Disability Liaison Office and Central Disability Mainstreaming Committee Members who were joined by the Disability Inclusion Officer, representatives of Student Leaders, Students with Disabilities, and the Coordinator for Professional Development all from Tangaza University College.

Benchmarking visit to Kenya Institute of special education (KISE)

The University of Nairobi Disability Liaison Office and the Disability Mainstreaming Committee conducted a benchmarking visit to the Kenya Institute of Special Education on March 24, 2022. The purpose of the visit was to draw lessons on best practices on disability inclusion to be embraced by the University as they work towards establishing the University of Nairobi Disability Support Center.