Physical Resources


  • Reliable Wi-Fi and VPN connectivity in all the libraries – campus-wide internet is available for users and off-campus access university services remotely via the secure VPN
  • Databases for research, online subject guides, and digital archives: Allows students to access information as and when required
  • Energy Infrastructure such as standby backup generators to mitigate against power outages to ensure uninterrupted power supply
  • Printers/ Copiers/ Bindery machines and scanners - Allows for easy printing, photocopying, and scanning from anywhere on campus


  • Physical Library: The University of Nairobi's library system consists of 14 libraries, across its Colleges, Schools, Campuses, and Institutes. Library users are free to access and use these libraries. They include Jomo Kenyatta Memorial, Chiromo, College of Education and External Studies, CAVS, CHS, CAE, MGGL, SoL, SoB, KSC, IAGAS, Mombasa, and Kisumu.
  • Online public access catalog.
  • Library Book chute facility to return the books.
  • The photocopying facility in the library is available subject to copyright restrictions.
  • Computer laboratories: these laboratories are equipped with computers and laptops and are available for our library users to access electronic materials.
  • Study carrels: Carrels are available in most of our libraries and can be utilized by authorized Ph.D. and Masters Students for a specified period of time.
  • Boardrooms: They are available in some colleges and are accessible to authorized users only. The boardrooms are ideal for meetings, seminars, and workshops.
  • Facilities for people with disabilities: include Jaws and NVDA screen reader software, service desks, ramps, reserved washrooms, and reserved Computers at the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in all libraries.
  • Digital Library: provides access to and preservation of information resources.
  • Information resources include Print books and journals, Electronic books and journals, Online local content uploaded on University digital repository, Audio, and video discs, Special collections including Africana and Archival Collection.
  • Help Desk: provides various services/ support to library users.


       Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Library


This building was constructed in 1956 and it houses the Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Library. It is a state-of-the-art library that provides services to post-graduate students. It is fitted with modern technological facilities such as RFID kiosks, latest computers among others.

It is named after Mohandas Gandhi an Indian Lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist who employed non-violent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library






