Library FAQs

Q1. What are the Library's operating hours?

The library's operating hours are as follows -

Monday to Friday         8.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.

Saturday -                      8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Sunday -                          Opens for six (6) hours depending on the branch library.

We remain closed during public holidays. For more information consult the librarian in charge of the respective library.

Q2. What’s the process & requirement for registering with the library in order to start using the library services?

For students to use the library, they need to come with their student ID. Present it to library staff at the circulation desk, you will be provided with a registration form to fill out.  In a case where you haven’t received your student ID, come with your national ID and admission letter. The only service you cannot access without your student ID is borrowing library materials.

Q3. How do I borrow materials from UoN Libraries?

Your University ID Card is all you need to borrow materials from the Library. After identifying a library-owned item in the online catalog, simply write down the call number to locate the item on the shelf. If you need help finding an item, please ask a Library staff member. Bring the item to the front desk and present your University ID card to check the item out.

Q4. What should I do if I have lost my student/staff ID card?

Loss of student/Staff ID cards should be reported immediately to the librarian who will take appropriate measures.

Q5. Can I borrow items using another patron’s identity card?

It is prohibited to use other patron’s document(s) to borrow Library items.

Q6. What library services are available to me as an Alumnus of the University of Nairobi?

Alumni wishing to visit a library facility must first register and obtain an Alumni ID badge from the Alumni office. Simply click on the following link: UONAA online registration form.

Q7. How can I request books and journal articles not owned by the UoN Library?

If you need a journal article or material not owned by the University of Nairobi Library, we can make a request to other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan service. Get in touch with your branch librarian for more details.

Q8. Why is it that a book is indicated as available in the database, but cannot be traced on the shelves?

Our library is open-shelf and some readers leave books around, which results in this situation. Please ask for clarification at the circulation desk.

Q9. Does the Library provide learning support?

The Library offers a variety of ways to support your studies. Contact your respective library via the e-mail addresses provided here -

Q10. How can I access an article in a database?

Some databases provide the full text of the article in the database in either HTML or PDF format. Others just give you the basic details but you have to access the full-text via a link that might say 'SFX' or 'Full-text'. If you are on-campus, click on the link below and it will take you to the full-text if the Library subscribes to the journal Away from campus, access via remote through VPN or MyLoft.

Q11. How can I access resources off-campus?

You can use our "Remote Access" options namely VPN or MyLoft to access academic information resources when off-campus.

Q12. How do I reference engineering resources?

You need to find out which referencing style your lecturer/supervisor is expecting you to use. In MEME there are two main reference styles used: IEEE and Vancouver.

Q13. How do I connect to Library Wi-Fi?
Before trying to connect to wifi, ensure you get your login credentials - Student e-mail & active directory (AD) account. For help, contact your Campus ICT office or write to for support.

Q14. What are peer-reviewed / scholarly articles and how do I find them?

A peer-reviewed journal is a periodical where all of the articles are critically analyzed by experts in that discipline before being accepted for publication. Other characteristics of a peer-reviewed journal (also referred to as Scholarly, Academic, or Refereed), are that it contains original research by experts in a field, written for other experts or students, and cites previous research extensively inside the text, in footnotes or endnotes, and in a bibliography at the end.

To find peer-reviewed articles, visit the library homepage using the link -

Q15. What is the fine for late materials?

Overdue fines for normal circulating loan items are 10.00 shillings per day. Overdue fines for reserve materials are 50.00 per day/per item.

Q16. Where do I pay library fines?

All library fines are paid at the account’s office on the JKML ground floor. Before proceeding to make any payments, ensure that you get the invoice from the library circulation desk. Alternatively, use Paybill number 807313.

Q17. How many items can I check out at a time?

Undergraduate Students may check out up to six (6) items at a time for a period of fourteen day, renewable two times. Postgraduate and academic staff can check out ten (10) items for a period of four (4) weeks, renewable two times.

Q18. Does the University of Nairobi Library have study carrels?

Yes! But priority is given to postgraduate students. The carrels are allocated on a first-come first served basis.

Q19. How can I get one-on-one research help?

Individual Research Consultations allow students and faculty members to meet with a Library staff member to get one-on-one help with research and to learn more about the Library. This service is available at any of the libraries of the University of Nairobi. Use the mail below to make your request!

Q20. Does the University of Nairobi Library accept material donations?

The Library will accept donation/gift material only when they add strength to the collection and impose no limitations on housing and handling. Guidelines for the evaluation of gifts are the same as those for selecting purchased materials.

Q21. Where do I get binding services?

The Library system boasts a modern bindery section that handles all library and University requirements that including binding of academic theses/dissertations and official documents, as well as the restoration of worn out or damaged texts. This service is not limited to UoN; we also bind documents and academic materials for organizations and external students at affordable prices. Binding Charges are determined by the size of the work to be bound and the material to be used. For further assistance,

Q22. How can I get in touch with the library should I need any help?

A list of the email addresses of all branch libraries is provided here -
