UoN Historical Achievements

Date Event/Activity Venue Chief Guest Remarks Source Photo Video URL
1951-09-11 Issuance of Royal Charter

Establishment of Royal Technical College of E.A

1953-06-11 Appointment of first Principal of the College


1956-04-23 Admission of first students RTCEA
1956-07-12 Opening of Gandhi Memorial Academy Dr. S. Radhakrisnah.
1956-10-24 Opening of the College Great Court H.R.H. Margaret Thatcher
1964-11-06 First graduation ceremony in Nairobi Great Court Dr. Nyerere,
Chancellor of the University.

89 graduates

1965-06-08 Establishment of Institute of Development Studies (IDS).

It was established as a research institute in social and cultural studies.

1967-11-20 1st series of Gandhi memorial lectures Gloucester Hall Dr. P.B. Gajendragadkar, V.C. Univ.of Bombay.
1970-12-10 Inauguration of the University of Nairobi. Main Campus The Chancellor, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta

Kenya’s own University was formed.

1978-11-24 A change of Guard. Installation of the Chancellor. Main Campus President, Moi

President Moi became the Chancellor of the University of Nairobi.