The UoN Bindery Section

Head Binder: Eunice K. Kimengu


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The Library system boasts a modern bindery section which handles all library and University requirements that include binding of academic theses / dissertations and official documents, as well as the restoration of worn out or damaged texts.

This service is not limited to UoN; we also bind documents and academic materials for organizations and external students at affordable prizes.

It is now a policy that pending graduation, all dissertations and theses are bound at the Library bindery before they are submitted to Graduate school. The binding service is therefore available for Ph.D and Masters students. The binding service is also extended to anyone who wants to bind personal or other academic documents. Library users are called upon to take full use of the Library binding services.

Binding Charges

Our prices are determined by the size of the work to be bound and the material to be used.

Our revised Charges as of 1st July, 2017.



Full Binding PVC) 

Ksh. 450 /=

Full Binding, Cloth

Ksh. 350 /=

Full PVC Binding, External Customer

Ksh. 500 /=

Full Binding With Title Printed on The Cover

Ksh. 600 /=

Half Binding/ Quarter Binding

Ksh. 500 /=

Tape Binding /Manila Binding

Ksh. 150 /=

Minor Repair

Ksh. 100 /=

Major Repair (Removing Old Bindings)

Ksh. 450 /=

Newspapers Binding (Monthly Issues)

Ksh. 2000 /=

Spine Marking 

Ksh. 100 /=

Gold Blocking(Printing of Titles

Ksh. 200 /=

Spiral Binding,            

  • Large (above 25mm)
  • Medium (below 24mm)


Ksh. 200 /=

Ksh. 100 /=

Ph.D Thesis

Ksh. 500 /=

UoN Master’s Thesis / Projects / Undergraduate Projects

Ksh. 450 /= 


Ticketing Sys
