Mission & Vision


To provide quality information services that will empower the University in carrying out its core activities of teaching, learning, research, and community service & consultancy.


To be a world-class information center committed to excellence in the provision, dissemination, and preservation of knowledge.


The core mandate of the Library is to support teaching, learning, and research as well as consultancy and community services. The Library offers relevant information resources and accompanying services that enhance access to the resources. The Library is also known for its vital role of preservation of knowledge.

Strategic Objectives

  • To provide access to information for teaching, learning, research, and consultancy.
  • To enhance Library facilities and environment for improved information delivery.
  • To enhance staff capacity and innovativeness.
  • To establish and promote collaborations and partnerships for resource-sharing.

Our Core Values:      

In our quest for timely provision of quality service, we shall be guided by the following core values:

  • Quality customer-focused services - All our services will be customer-focused.
  • Freedom of access to information -  Provide all information needed for academic pursuits.
  • Professional ethics and standards - In all our actions and interactions, we shall maintain ethical behavior, professional etiquette, honesty, and responsible citizenship.
  • Intellectual property rights - Adhere to copyright and intellectual property laws and conventions
  • Preservation and conservation of knowledge - Knowledge will be conserved and preserved for posterity.
  • Innovativeness and creativity - We will utilize the emerging information and communication technologies to deliver up to date and value-added information services.
  • Teamwork and team spirit - Work as a team to meet the information needs of our customers and stakeholders.
  • National cohesion and inclusiveness - We are open to all citizens without any manner of discrimination