Institutional Repository Deposit Agreement

To efficiently administer the University of Nairobi Digital Repository and preserve its contents for long-term use, the University requires certain permissions and warrants from a depositor or copyright owner. By accepting this agreement, a copyright owner still retains copyright to their work and does not give up the right to submit the work to publishers or other repositories. If one is not a copyright owner, they represent that the copyright owner has given them permission to deposit the work.

By accepting this agreement, a depositor/copyright owner grants to the University the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate and distribute the submission, including the descriptive information (metadata) and abstract, in any format or medium worldwide and royalty-free, including, but not limited to, publication over the internet except as provided for by an addendum to this agreement.

Download the agreement form via the link provided below -

Download: IR Deposit Agreement Form

Download: UoN Open Access Policy
