

The University of Nairobi is guided by its mission “To provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission, and utilization of knowledge.” In pursuit of this mission, the Library Department in conjunction with UNES Limited usually develops several short courses from time to time. The courses are aimed at enabling the University to contribute towards the national agenda and the aspirations of Vision 2030. The University has skilled staff sourced for consultancy nationally and internationally.

Some of the courses offered in the program are as follows




Scholarly writing & Publishing in High Impact Journals

Equip participants on how to publish in high impact commercial and open access journals and books

Authors, Lecturers, researchers, and scholars at various levels

Establishing Digital Repositories in Institutions

Setting up and managing digital repositories

Academic, Government & research institutions

Customer Care / Public Relations

To understand and embrace the role of customer care and public relations in organizations 

Administrators,  Principles, HoDs

Website development/


Develop and manage website

ICT Personnel, Information Professionals

Binding skills

To empower trainees with binding skills 

Business people,

Information Professionals, Government Institutions,


Knowledge Management 

Empower professionals with knowledge management skills to meet specific organizational needs competitively. 


Records Management

Manage effective records management system in an organization

Records Managers/Officers, archivists, Documentalist, ICT Officers, Information managers

E-Resources Management

Effective management and utilization of electronic resources in academic organizations

Managers, librarians, ICT professionals managing e-resources

Turnitin Plagiarism Checker

Embracing accountability and academic integrity

Lecturers, researchers, and scholars at various levels

Information Packaging and Presentation

Information packaging and presentation skills  


Automated Referencing and Citation Strategies

Proper and effective referencing and citation skills

Lecturers, researchers, and scholars at various levels

Management of school/organizational libraries

Effective planning and management of school libraries

Officers managing school libraries, documentation and media centres and other related information systems

ICT skills and competencies in Libraries

Enhance ICT skills and competencies in response to emerging organizational needs 

Open to all who rely on ICT in running their daily organizational and individual activities.

Management of electronic records and documents

Effective management of digital records and documents

Records Managers/Officers, archivists, Documentalist, ICT Officers, Information managers/Executive secretaries

Database management systems

Skills on how to design, implement and manage database management systems 

ICT personnel, information professionals, systems librarians and related professionals. 
