Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of electronic resources from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool

JOVE Product Specialist Pays a Courtesy Call to the Director, Library Services

JOVE Product Specialist Keyu Sumaria paid a courtesy call to the Director Library & Information Services on 11th November 2022. The courtesy call marked the end of Keyu’s trip to Kenya where he visited various academic institutions.

He was hosted at the University of Nairobi on 26th, 27th and 28th October 2022 where he trained and sensitized library and faculty staff on the JOVE product and its features in Faculties of Science & Technology, Health Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine.

For more information on JOVE information products, click here.

JOVE Demo 1

JOVE Demo 2