Latest News & Announcements

eKitabu Open Day: Activities to Celebrate UoN @ 50

As the University of Nairobi celebrates 50 years of academic excellence, the Library in collaboration with our electronic resource partner eKitabu, will host a virtual open day event on Thursday, the 3rd of December 2020.

The aim of this event will be to sensitize and provide knowledge to University students and members of staff on key resources that can support teaching, learning and research, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. These are -

Library Department Receives Book Donations from Rattansi Educational Trust (10-Sept-2020)

The Deputy Director, Administration on behalf of the Director, Library Services received new books donated by the Rattansi Educational Trust through the University of Nairobi Chancellor, Dr. Vijoo Rattansi.

The books were supplied by Educate Yourself Limited at a cost of Kshs.14.5 million. In attendance at the handover is the Deputy Director Administration, Mr. Harun Mugo, the Acquisitions Librarian, Mr. David Mulonzia, and other members of staff from the technical processing unit.

Free Access to Elsevier Coronavirus Research Hub - Supporting COVID-19 research worldwide

Elsevier coronavirus and Covid-19 related full-text articles and chapters will be provided for as long as needed while the public health emergency is ongoing. Research tools and selected Virology and Infectious Disease Journals are open to coronavirus researchers through the 28th of October 2020.

Researchers and data scientists focused on Coronavirus vaccine, drug, clinical, and other related research, are invited to freely access these Elsevier solutions to aid in their research efforts

Online Library Team-Building Event (Monday, 8th June 2020)

On Monday 8th June 2020 11.20 am to 12.35 pm EAT. The Library Department held a historic online teambuilding event. The event is a 2019/2020 PC (Performance Contract) target, hence the necessity to hold it before the 30th of June when the PC timeline ends. The online event was quite successful with participating staff actively doing so live from the comfort of their homes. Noteworthy was the presence of the newly recruited staff from the Mombasa campus.

Prof. Stephen Kiama Installed as the New Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi

Prof. Stephen Kiama has been officially installed as the eighth Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, taking over from Prof. Peter Mbithi. During his installation in Taifa Hall, Main Campus on June 5, 2020, Prof. Kiama promised to institute reforms and steer the ship in the turbulent waters.

Access to Lexis Law Library

University of Nairobi Library subscribes to Lexis Library;

Lexis Library is a legal research platform which gives legal professionals up-to-date information, resources and expert opinion from established names such as Butterworths, Tolley and Halsbury’s.This database contains most current statements and explanations of the law giving lawyers complete confidence in the advice they provide to their clients.