Latest News & Announcements

DVC - Research, Innovation & Enterprise, Leads a delegation from Germany's Baden-Wurttemberg on a tour of the Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library (Feb 19, 2024)

A delegation from Germany's Baden-Wurttemberg accompanied by The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation, and Enterprise (DVC RIE), Professor Margaret J. Hutchinson paid a courtesy call to JKML on Monday, Feb 19th, 2024.

The visitors were received by JKML, the Librarian in charge, Mr. Stanley Macharia, and his staff from the circulation section, who briefed them on the library’s fact-file, facilities, resources, and services. Accompanying the visitors, were staff from the office of the DVC - Research, Innovation, and Enterprise.

Kisumu Campus Library Hosts University of East Africa - Baraton, Representatives on a Benchmarking Mission

The Kisumu campus library staff  hosted a team from the University of East Africa - Baraton, who were on a benchmarking mission. 

The team was led by their DVC in charge of Academic Affairs, Dr. Paul Wahonya. The aim of their visit was to gather information as they prepare to set up their Faculty of Law library.

They were taken around by the Librarian in charge, Madam Jane Opiyo. 

Representatives from the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Grace the Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library on a Benchmarking Visit

The Library & Information Services department hosted a team from the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th January 2024, who were on a benchmarking visit.

IUCEA is a regional inter-governmental organisation whose aim is to foster collaboration between universities in the East Africa Community and adopt best practices with the overall goal of achieving internationally comparable standards of education in East Africa so as to promote the region’s competitiveness in higher education.


With the approvals from the offices of DVC (Academic Affairs) and that of Director, Library & Information Services, library staff from Thika Technical Institute were accorded benchmarking and learning visit at JKML.

The session which stretched from 9.00am to 4.00pm was coordinated by staff from Circulation and Technical Processing Units.  

Delegation of 6 from Thika Technical was led by their Library Team-Leader.

The objectives of their visit to JKML were; 

Library Staff Recognized During Annual Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony, 2023

When it comes to quality service delivery the Library & Information Services department has always been a front runner.

During the annual UoN Staff Performance Recognition Award ceremony, three library members of staff, namely - Evelyn Anambo (College Librarian, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine), Grace Mugira and Alice Mueni (Librarians at the Faculty of Law) received awards in recognition of their exemplary service.

Library Staff Particpate in the National Tree Planting Day

As the country embarked on a journey to plant at least 15 billion trees as directed by the National Government, the Department of library and information services was not left behind.

Led by the Deputy Director Planning, Mr. George Nyalwal, library staff including Evelyne Anambo, Faculty Librarian Agriculture & Vetrinary and Grace Mugira, from the Faculty of Law participated in the exercise.

Library Receives Book Donations from the Town & County Planners Association of Kenya (TCPAK)

On 19th October 2023, the Town & County Planners Association of Kenya (TCPAK) donated books and Journals to the Faculty of the Built Environment & Design Library. The event took place in the Dean’s boardroom.

Looking on is the Director of library services Madam Angela Mumo, Deputy director technical services Madam Rosemary Otando, the Acquisitions Librarian Mr David Mulonzoa, the Librarian FBED library Madam Christine Mayende, Chairmen of departments, and student leaders.

ProQuest Journals

The University of Nairobi through the Library department is pleased to announce the addition of a new multi-discplinary journal database to its collection. 

ProQuest Journals features scholarly journals, and professional journals in all the fields within social and political sciences with complete resources such as Criminal Justice Database, Education Database, Library Science Database, Linguistics Database, Political Science Database, Social Science Database, and Sociology Database.