Latest News & Announcements

Library holds Orientation for New Students (Sept 29, 2023)

The Director, Library & Information Services (LIS) led a team of Librarians in conducting a scheduled Library orientation for new in-take of undergraduate students of 2023/2024 academic year. The orientation event was hosted at LT101 on 1st floor of the University Of Nairobi Towers.  Over 700 new students admitted into various Courses in Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (FASS) and Faculty of Engineering attended the occasion.

During the session the first years were introduced in details on library issues including the enlisted below -  

The Pan African Review Publishers Donate Quarterly Issue | September – December, 2023 to the UoN Library (Sept 21, 2023)

The Library and Information Services Department receives 30 copies of the publication titled “Africa’s Leadership” issued by The Pan African Review. This is a quarterly publication issue release.

On 21st September 2023 the Acquisitions Librarian Mr. David Mulonzia received the publication on behalf of the Director Library and Information Services from Mr. Hortance Ndayisaba (The Pan African Review, Kenya Representative).

The donation will be an invaluable addition to our Library Users and for collection development.

University of Illinois Library Visit on Collaboration and Partnership

On 21st July 2023, two members of staff from Mortenson Center, the University of Illinois visited the University of Nairobi Library.  Prof. Clara M. Chu, Director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois and Dr. Peggy Nzomo, the International Library Initiatives Specialists-Senior Associate at Mortenson Center held fruitful discussions with the University of Nairobi Library team, led by the Deputy Director (Technical Services) Rosemary Otando.

The Library and Information Services Department Acquire New Titles in It's Stock Collection

The Library and Information Services Department has acquired 174 new titles on various disciplines being the annual book donation by Dr. Vijoo Rattansi the Chancellor University of Nairobi. These titles were received from Educate Yourself Limited Book Supplies between August and November 2023. 

1. NEW ARRIVALS BOOKS  JAN -FEB 2023_page-0001

Faculty of Health Sciences Library Receives Book Donation from Prof. Griffith R. Harsh, Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of California

Prof. Griffith R. Harsh, Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of California and spouse to the US Ambassador to Kenya on March 23rd, 2023 donated 70 titles of surgery books and journals to the Health Sciences Library courtesy of Dr. Julius Kiboi, Chair of Surgery department, UON. The collection was received by the Faculty Librarian, Mr. Zablon Muyera.

Upper Kabete Campus Library Ambassadors visit the Library Management at the Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library (JKML)

The upper kabete campus library ambassadors paid a visit to the library top management team at the JKML on 6/04/2023. The ambassadors, whose main aim was to benchmark, were privilaged to meet the Director, Library & Information Services Madam Angela Mumo and her two deputy directors Mr. Harun Mugo (Human Resource & administration) and Mr. George Nyalwal (Planning).

The University of Nairobi , Library and Information Services Department Receives Book Donation From Dr. Phylisters Matula

The Library and Information Services department received a generous Book donation from Dr. Phyliters Daisy Matula, Lecturer in the Faculty of Education University of Nairobi. The 510 copies of this book donated to the Library is co-authored by Dr. Phylisters Matula, Prof. Dorothy Kyalo and Dr. Angelina Mulwa all from the University of Nairobi.


The library disability mainstreaming committee (DMC) visited the United States International University (USIU) library with an aim of benchmarking on facilities and services to Persons with disabilities. The team was eager to learn more on the subject and pick on new technologies for PWDs that can be implemented at our  library.USIU is a private University with students from all over the world.

Well-being outdoor workshop. “Towards Understanding and Appreciating the Challenges of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities and the Coping Mechanisms adopted in handling the Challenges”- held on March 11th -12th 2023 at Zeituni lodge Elemetaita.

The above workshop was organised by Joy Town Old students Association ( JOSA) with the following objectives :

1.To bring together Human Rights Defenders (HRD) with and without Disabilities to share experiences in their pursuit of Human Rights Defense with a focus on Human Rights Defenders with Disability.

2.To enable HRDs understand the Challenges faced by Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities.

3.To learn from the Experiences and Coping Mechanisms adopted by HRDs with Disabilities in their pursuit towards advocating for the Rights of PWDs.