Representatives from the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Grace the Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library on a Benchmarking Visit

The Library & Information Services department hosted a team from the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th January 2024, who were on a benchmarking visit.

IUCEA is a regional inter-governmental organisation whose aim is to foster collaboration between universities in the East Africa Community and adopt best practices with the overall goal of achieving internationally comparable standards of education in East Africa so as to promote the region’s competitiveness in higher education.

The representatives engaged the library team in understanding the operational processes and key library policies, the existing specialized services, digital initiatives, e-resources management, general discussion on library systems and technologies, staff training and development programs, quality assurance and continuous improvement, best practices in library marketing & user engagement as well as research support.

  IUCEA Benchmarking Visit 01  IUCEA Benchmarking Visit 02


IUCEA Benchmarking Visit 03