Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

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Academic Integrity

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Where to publish

  1. You can choose to either publish on an open access journal or a paid journal: Open access journals will make your paper available online, free of cost or other access barriers, on the other hand paid journals will apply access restrictions to your paper
  2. Ensure you publish in a peer reviewed journal: University of Nairobi insists that students publish on “peer-reviewed” journals. Sometimes the phrases “refereed journals” or “scholarly journals” are used to describe the same type of journals. But what are peer-reviewed (or refereed or scholarly) journal articles, and why does faculty require their use?
  3. Watch out for predatory journals: A predatory journal is a publication that actively asks researchers for manuscripts. They have no peer review system and no true editorial board and are often found to publish mediocre or even worthless papers. They also ask for huge publication charges.