Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of information materials from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access plagiarism detection tools

Dick Terry

Office: 221 Jackson Hall
Office Phone: (617) 452-2345
Lab: Name of laboratory name
Lab location: South West Building A112
Assistant: Nicki Christensen
Assistant office: 220 Jackson Hall
Assistant phone: 617-452-0231
Assistant fax: 617-452-0231

Dolor Sit

Office: 221 Jackson Hall
Office Phone: (617) 452-2345
Lab: Name of laboratory name
Lab location: South West Building A112
Assistant: Nicki Christensen
Assistant office: 220 Jackson Hall
Assistant phone: 617-452-0231
Assistant fax: 617-452-0231

John Smith

Office: 221 Jackson Hall
Office Phone: (617) 452-2345
Lab: Name of laboratory name
Lab location: South West Building A112
Assistant: Nicki Christensen
Assistant office: 220 Jackson Hall
Assistant phone: 617-452-0231
Assistant fax: 617-452-0231