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Frontiers is a leading Open Access Publisher and Open Science Platform. It offers peer-reviewed scientific journals focusing on science, technology, and medicine. It boasts 79 open-access journals covering 662 disciplines across academia.

Indian Delegation Visits Mahatma Graduate Library

A delegation from India led by Ms. Dave Vibhavari Vijay, Honorable Minister of State, Women and Children Welfare, Education (Primary and Higher Education) and Pilgrimage Visited the new Library on February 14, 2020 .The Indian delegation, in company of the Chancellor, Dr. Vijoo Rattansi, and Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama inspected the development projects that have been funded by the Indian Government, key among them Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Library. The Graduate Library was refurbished courtesy of a 100M grant from the Indian government.

Deputy Director (Technical) Addresses First Year Students – College of Humanities & Social Sciences

The Deputy Director (Technical), Library and Information Services attended a welcome orientation address for first-year students, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The orientation was organized by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs.

The Deputy Director addressed the first-year students for the academic year 2019/2020. The address was conducted on 23rd January 2020 at the Taifa Hall.