The Library has organized a follow-up online training on the Research Data Management System (Friday, April 22, 2022, from 10 am to 12 pm). This training will be a key part of the Annual Library Open Day & Academic Integrity Event scheduled to start on the 20th to end on the 22nd of April 2022.

The training is in line with the Vice Chancellor’s five-point reform agenda number 1 on data-driven management, which is an essential area of responsible research.

Implementation of RDMS is crucial in supporting the university research initiatives, increasing research visibility and accessibility of research data globally thus enhancing university ranking and collaboration.

Mary Felix, a Research Data Management Consultant from Utrecht University, Netherlands will be the facilitator and will share her experiences on RDMS implementation. At the end of the training, participants will have knowledge on the importance of RDMS in the university, how researchers can support the RDM plan, what data may be captured, requirements in establishing RDMS, policy issues, and a practical demo of the research data management system.

The training targets Deans, Directors, Chairpersons, Faculty members, Administrative staff, Post-Graduate Students, and Researchers.

Below is the link to the training event -


Research Data Management Systems/Platforms

Target Audience

Deans, Directors, Chairpersons, Faculty members, Administrative staff, Editors, Peer-Reviewers, ICT staff, Librarians, Post-Graduate Students, and Researchers. 


Friday, April 22, 2022 | 10am to 12pm
