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Training on Open Journal Publishing System (OJS) & Research Data Management System (RDMS)

One of the strategic objectives of the university is to increase the visibility and impact of the research output. It is on this basis that the Library Department has organized an online training on the above research platforms on 8th December 2021; 10 AM – 12 PM.

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is free open source software for managing and publishing scholarly/local journals. The training will provide an overview of the fundamentals of using OJS. At the end of the training, participants will have the knowledge to create and configure a new journal, understand the manuscript tracking system and editorial steps, create an issue, establish the submission process, and have an overview of how to manage OJS publishing for their local journals.

Research Data Management System (RDMS) is a crucial platform that will support university research initiatives.  Research Data Management System strives to provide the research community with a comprehensive research data management solution in the research process.

The university has developed and implemented a digital repository with the aim to make institutional research discoverable and accessible globally. However, there is no repository to manage research data. Besides, the open access policy has no guidelines for research data management. The aim of the system is therefore to support research data, increase visibility and accessibility globally thus enhancing university ranking and collaboration.

At the end of the training, participants will have knowledge on the importance of RDM in academic institutions, how researchers can support RDM plans, what data may be captured, requirements in establishing RDMS, policy issues, and a practical demo of the research data management system.

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Research Data