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Library Participates at President William Ruto’s Launch of Tree Restoration Programme (Dec 21, 2022)

President William Ruto on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 launched a tree restoration program at Ngong Hills Forest to kick start his plan of planting 15 billion trees by 2032. The President also planted 56 trees to mark his 56th birthday, as other counties held similar functions that saw a total of 560,000 trees planted.

Speaking during the launch, the President said the initiative will help combat the effects of climate change, which has unleashed calamities such as droughts, floods, unpredictable rainfall patterns and disease and pest outbreaks.

The University of Nairobi actively participated in this exercise by planting trees at Corner Baridi in Ngong Hills forest the Library team was led by the Deputy Director in Charge of Planning Mr. George Nyalwal.

The accompanying library team included Mr. David Mulonzia, Ms Alice Okongo, Ms  Pamela Aluvale, Ms Grace Nyambok and Mr. Vincent Angila.

Tree Planting - Corner Baridi (Dec 21, 2022)   Tree Planting - Corner Baridi (Dec 21, 2022)

Tree Planting - Corner Baridi (Dec 21, 2022)   Tree Planting - Corner Baridi (Dec 21, 2022)