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Library Disability Mainstreaming Committee celebrates the International Day for Persons Living with Disabilities (Dec 2, 2022)

The Library Disability Mainstreaming Committee joined the rest of the world in celebrating the International Day for Persons Living with Disabilities (PWD) on Friday, 2nd December 2022. At University of Nairobi, the commemoration was marked with Inter-university adaptive sports as such wheel chair basketball which took place at the Hyslop Parking lot.  Other sports included para chess and darts. Of importance was conducting registrations of PWDs by the National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD). Later a panel of discussions was held at Taifa Hall involving various stakeholders and invited guests.

This year’s celebrations sought to create awareness around PWDs through their Participation in Higher Learning Institutions to ensure a more inclusive, accessible and equitable world.

World Disabilty Day