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Faculty of Health Sciences Library Receives Book Donation from Prof. Griffith R. Harsh, Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of California

Prof. Griffith R. Harsh, Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of California and spouse to the US Ambassador to Kenya on March 23rd, 2023 donated 70 titles of surgery books and journals to the Health Sciences Library courtesy of Dr. Julius Kiboi, Chair of Surgery department, UON. The collection was received by the Faculty Librarian, Mr. Zablon Muyera.

The Library management on behalf of the University of Nairobi would like to express gratitude to Prof. Griffith Harsh for his generous gesture. The donated collection will go a long way to enabling the library in delivering its core mandate of supporting teaching, learning, and research.

See the links below for the lists of books & Journals donated -

Book Donation to Health Sci. Lib. by Prof. Griffith R. Harsh, Neurosurgery Chair, University of California