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The Chancellor University of Nairobi Dr. Vijoo Rattansi donates books worth Kshs 10 million to the University of Nairobi Library (Sept 12, 2023)

Book Donation

Book Donation

The Library and Information Services Department receives a consignment of books from Educate Yourself Limited. This constitutes part of the annual Book Donation courtesy of the University of Nairobi Chancellor Dr. Vijoo Rattansi.

The Deputy Director in charge of Technical Services Ms. Rosemary Otando and Acquisitions Librarian Mr. David Mulonzia were present during the receiving of the books on behalf of the Director Library and Information Services.

Others present were Mr. Charles Nyamache (Technical Processing), Ms. Teresia Ndumbi (FoL Library), and Mr. James Kioko from Educate Yourself Limited.