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University web champions meeting with UoN Vice Chancellor

University of Nairobi Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Mbeche met over 100 Web champions drawn from all Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Institutes, Centres and Departments at the Central Catering Unit (CCU).

The meeting was also attended by top University management Web Steering Committee members led by Prof. Julius Ogeng'o DVC Academic Affairs, Mr. Paul Kariuki Director ICTC, Mr. John Orindi Director Corporate Affairs and Dr. Kiptoo Deputy Director MIS -  all who addressed the Web champions.

The Core objectives for the meeting were:

1. To emphasize the importance of website for the wider university agenda

2. Understand the roles of different players in website success

3. Highlights of UoN website Policy framework

4. Strategies for ensuring good performance

5. And collective team spirit on Way forward