Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of electronic resources from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool

Library Team Visits Koitaleel Samoei University College

On the 18th of November 2022, a team from the library, led by the Director, LIS was hosted at Koitaleel Samoei University College at a training event tailored to transfer knowledge.

The event was targeted at Koitaleel Samoei University staff and students, and was aimed at training and sensitizing them on various topics including - publishing, increasing research visibility & impact, academic integrity & Turnitin similarity checker, and webometrics ranking of institutional to improve visibility, transparency/openness and excellence.

Library Team Visits Koitaleel Samoei University College