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Library Staff Visit Children's Home (25/Jun/2021)

The library visited Dream Children's Home on Friday 25th June 2021. The event Mr & Mrs Gichiawas a part of the Library's corporate social responsibility initiative and, was attended by eleven Library staff members led by the Deputy Director in charge of Administration.

The home was established in 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen & Rachel Gichia with the aim of caring for needy and orphaned children by providing food, education, and medical support.

The home cares for over 120 children ranging from ages 1year to 19 years old. The couple strives to ensure that the children get a good education right from nursery school, and even up to university level.

Dream Children's Home

Library CSR, 2021 - 02

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Library CSR, 2021 - 06

Library CSR, 2021 - 07