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Library Participates in Tree Planting Event Organised by the Faculty of Agriculture at the Upper Kabete Campus

The Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) organized this year’s tree planting event which took place at the Upper Kabete field station moor on 13th May 2022. In total 2000 seedlings were planted. The library was represented by 14 members of staff led by the Deputy Director of Planning (DDP) Mr. George Nyalwal.

The library donated thirteen (13) seedlings for planting. The tree planting event takes place once every year. Library staff realize the importance of conserving the environment through tree planting which also prevents soil erosion while at the same time creating a conducive atmosphere. The event was graced by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Kiama Gitahi who commemorated the occasion by planting a tree.

4. Tree Planting (May 13, 2022)  

5. Tree Planting (May 13, 2022)

3. Tree Planting (May 13, 2022)   

Tree planting