Guide to Safety & Security in the Library

Safety is an issue of great importance in libraries. Information resources, patrons, employees, and property require being safeguarded and secured. The library has established strategies and guidelines in place related to the safety and security of information resources, facilities, and systems.

This involves precautions to protect patrons and staff against acts of violence; safeguarding collection materials from theft/vandalism; internet protection; and, procedural safeguards and response plans for natural and man-made disasters.

Threats to Documents

Documents in the library include books journals, newspapers, multimedia collections, and online information resources among others. Measures have been put in place to protect the information resources from damage.

The disaster management plan has been developed and in process of implementation to reduce damage in case of disaster is in place.

Security Staff

The library has security staff employed in all branch libraries during all o:)en hours and after closing to ensure maximum security. Staff members are required to report all security-related incidents to the appropriate personnel. Weapons are not permitted on the library premises.

Lost and Found Items

Lost and Found items are handled at the Library Services Desk. Owners are contacted to pick their lost items. Items are also displayed to enhance the visibility of the lost items. All unclaimed items are discarded or donated.

Emergency Exits

Library emergency exits are in place in all libraries. The exits are intended for use as fire exits or other emergencies only.

Security Gates and Access Control Doors

The function of the security exit gates in the Library is to prevent the unauthorized removal of library material. Library staff members are authorized to search patron belongings when it is necessary. When the alarm sounds, patrons are asked to return to the Library Services Desk, and belongings are checked to determine the cause of the alarm.

If in the judgment of the staff, the patron is attempting to deliberately remove library property unlawfully, the matter will be referred to the University security office for further referral to the Central police station.

The biometrics systems are used for staff access while the University Students Identity card is used to verify students when they are accessing the library. The library is monitored by CCTV cameras and security officers. All persons with luggage are encouraged to leave them in the luggage room. No unauthorized removal or concealment of library property is permitted.

Incident Reports

All incidents of a security or emergency nature are recorded in the occurrence book at the circulation desk.

Information Security Systems

Information security systems are in place to curb unauthorized users of library systems.