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Dr. Humphrey J. Ojwang Donates Monograph to Library Department

The Library Department is honored to receive a monograph donation from Dr. Humphrey Jeremiah Ojwang, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies.

The digital copy monograph titled A Study of Luo Ethnobotanical Terminology with Implications for Lexicographic Practice” seeks to determine the derivation and meaning of Luo Ethnobotanical terminology within a culture-specific configuration. It focuses on the systematics of Ethnobotanical nomenclature and seeks to identify the patterns followed in naming plants in the Luo speech community.

Dr. Ojwang is the Thematic Unit Head overseeing the areas of Language, Culture, and Society at the Institute of African Studies. He is a member of the Kenya Museum Society as well as the East African Natural History Society (Nature Kenya).

His areas of research focus are – Indigenous languages and knowledge systems, Ethnobotanical Terminology and Lexicography, as well as Linguistic Anthropology.

The Library department is indeed grateful to Dr. Ojwang for this generous gesture. A hard copy of this monograph is available at the Kenya Museum Society Bookshop (ISBN: 978-9914-40-386-2), or you can view it on the University of Nairobi Digital Repository via