
The objective of this training is to guide students and researchers on how to access the subscribed electronic books, journals, core textbooks, and open-access resources. 

The training will also cover remote access to these resources, as well as the use of OPAC (online public access …

All post-graduate students & researchers are welcome to participate.

The objective of this training is to guide students and researchers on how to access the subscribed electronic books, journals, core textbooks and open access resources. 

The training will also cover remote access to these resources, as well as the use of OPAC (online public access …

The training aims to give an overview of how to develop a research proposal in a professional and in acceptable formats.

The training will simplify the process of how to come up with a good holistic research proposal in terms of justification of the format and in addition, the

Turnitin is a supervisory tool that seeks to help researchers & post-graduate students to enhance academic integrity and develop original thinking. This training aims to sensitize academic/teaching staff, supervisors and graduate students on how to use the Turnitin similarity checker to…

Zotero is an open source reference & citation management tool that helps researchers to collect, organizes, cite and share research sources and create the reference lists easily without any omissions.

The objective of this training is to guide the students and researchers on how to…

The objective of this training is to sensitize students and researchers on the importance of adhering to ethics in the research process.

Issues to be covered will include academic integrity, confidentiality and objectivity among others.

The objective of this training will be to guide students and researchers on how to access Open Access information resources available on the Library website, as well as the UON Digital Repository. Important tools for teaching, learning and research.

The objective of this training is to guide students and researchers on how to access the subscribed electronic books, journals, core textbooks and open access resources. 

The training will also cover remote access to these resources, as well as the use of OPAC (online public access …

All faculty staff, post-graduate students & researchers are welcome to participate.