Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of information materials from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access plagiarism detection tools

New Bachelor of Law (LLB) Students Tour the Faculty of Law Library (5/02/2021)

The Faculty of Law Library (FoL) held an orientation session for new students admitted for Bachelor of Law (LLB on 5TH February 2021. These students were admitted last year (2020) and they reported to the Campus premises on 2nd February 2021 for registration, orientation, and continuation of online learning.

In compliance with all GOK/MOH Guidelines and protocols for the containment of COVID19, the students were divided into groups for a detailed introduction to the library system and resources including the OPAC and Electronic resources.  More emphasis was put on remote access and off-campus access to relevant Electronic resources.

In addition, they were accorded a guided tour of the library building by SoL library staff.

Note photo was taken on 5th /02/2021 during sessions with the new students.

Law Lib Staff Addressing New Students 1

Law Lib Staff Addressing New Students 2

Law Lib Staff Welcoming New Students
