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The University of Nairobi , Library and Information Services Department Receives Book Donation From Dr. Phylisters Matula

The Library and Information Services department received a generous Book donation from Dr. Phyliters Daisy Matula, Lecturer in the Faculty of Education University of Nairobi. The 510 copies of this book donated to the Library is co-authored by Dr. Phylisters Matula, Prof. Dorothy Kyalo and Dr. Angelina Mulwa all from the University of Nairobi.

Present in the picture are from left is Dr. Phylisters Matula 2nd left Ms. Angela Mumo( Director, LIS),3rd left Ms. Rosemary Otando( Deputy Director Technical Services, LIS) and at the extreme end is Mr. David Mulonzia ( Acquisitions Librarian, LIS).

Book Donation