By Nzioki
on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 16:10

Need to ace that upcoming CAT or end-of-semester exam? We have past exam papers to help you prepare.
Get quick access to a diverse collection of past exam papers via MyLoft.
To access the past papers, log in and check the drop-down menu under “eResources” on the left side of your interface.
Some tips on how to use past papers effectively to level up your revision -
- Test your knowledge - Revision is a process of memorizing facts, dates, formulas, and quotes, but the best way to make sure you've retained that information is to test yourself on it.
- Understand the questions - Practicing papers can help you to get used to the style of questions that might come up in your exam so that you’ll be better prepared for the real thing.
- Manage your time - If you’re using past papers, it’s a good idea to set yourself the same time limits that you’d have in an ordinary exam. This will help to give you a sense of how it feels to answer questions against the clock and get used to managing your time well.
- Mark your work - Take your revision further by cross-checking your work against what you’ve learned in class. Counter-check against your lecture notes and recommended information resources.
- Stick to short revision sessions, and take breaks to reflect - Studying in shorter sessions with breaks often works best. This will keep your brain stimulated, and prevent you from switching off.