Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of electronic resources from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool

Library Department Participates in Crossref Nairobi Event (Feb 22, 2024)

On February 22, 2024, the UoN Library department participated in a sensitization and networking event hosted by Crossref at Fairmont the Norfolk. It was attended by over 100 registered participants including librarians, administrators, editorial teams, researchers, and research organization representatives.

The forum’s agenda was to discuss current Crossref initiatives and the shared vision to build a Research Nexus for the academic and research community in Kenya among other related subjects.

DVC - Research, Innovation & Enterprise, Leads a delegation from Germany's Baden-Wurttemberg on a tour of the Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library (Feb 19, 2024)

A delegation from Germany's Baden-Wurttemberg accompanied by The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation, and Enterprise (DVC RIE), Professor Margaret J. Hutchinson paid a courtesy call to JKML on Monday, Feb 19th, 2024.

The visitors were received by JKML, the Librarian in charge, Mr. Stanley Macharia, and his staff from the circulation section, who briefed them on the library’s fact-file, facilities, resources, and services. Accompanying the visitors, were staff from the office of the DVC - Research, Innovation, and Enterprise.