Well-being outdoor workshop. “Towards Understanding and Appreciating the Challenges of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities and the Coping Mechanisms adopted in handling the Challenges”- held on March 11th -12th 2023 at Zeituni lodge Elemetaita.

The above workshop was organised by Joy Town Old students Association ( JOSA) with the following objectives :

1.To bring together Human Rights Defenders (HRD) with and without Disabilities to share experiences in their pursuit of Human Rights Defense with a focus on Human Rights Defenders with Disability.

2.To enable HRDs understand the Challenges faced by Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities.

3.To learn from the Experiences and Coping Mechanisms adopted by HRDs with Disabilities in their pursuit towards advocating for the Rights of PWDs.

3.Sharing on channels and resources available for the support of HRDs with Disabilities.

4.To provide a safe space for human rights defenders with disabilities to share their lived experiences, inso doing, creating, and providing peer to peer network support for human rights defenders with disabilities.

Being a wellbeing activity the aim was to provide a relaxed environment for candid discussions and sharing of real life experiences over a shared meal with no strict program away from the hustle and bustle of town life.

 The following organizations were represented

  1. Am Kenyan
  2. Disability Sausage Media
  3. Joy town Old Students Association
  4. Kenya National Coalition on Human Rights
  5. Kenya Network of women and Girls with Disability
  6. National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Kenya
  7. Psychiatric Disability Organisation
  8. United Disabled Persons of Kenya
  9. Women Challenged to Challenge

The library was represented by Madam Evelyn Anambo the Chair person  of the library disability mainstreaming committee and a member of the University  corporate committee. Anambo is also the treasurer of Joy Town Old Students Association (JOSA).

Above participants introduce themselves.

Above second from right, Evelyn Anambo introducing herself.