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Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool

Online Library Team-Building Event (Monday, 8th June 2020)

On Monday 8th June 2020 11.20 am to 12.35 pm EAT. The Library Department held a historic online teambuilding event. The event is a 2019/2020 PC (Performance Contract) target, hence the necessity to hold it before the 30th of June when the PC timeline ends. The online event was quite successful with participating staff actively doing so live from the comfort of their homes. Noteworthy was the presence of the newly recruited staff from the Mombasa campus.

Before the COVID-19 disruptions, the teambuilding event was slated for the 3rd and 6th April 2020 at the Universities’ Central Catering Unit (CCU). A total of 140 Library staff members were to attend including staff representatives from Mombasa, Kisumu, Mosoriot, and Nakuru campuses.

The purpose of the event

Teambuilding event aims to bring together all staff from all branch Libraries for bonding together. The ultimate aim is to improve relations among staff and to build a work-team that is empowered to accomplish the University’s mission and vision. This years’ theme is “fostering a healthy community for better service delivery’. This is in line with the Library’s vision and mission of providing quality information services that will empower the University in carrying out its core activities of Teaching, Learning, Research, Community service, and Consultancy.


The objectives of the team-building were as follows:

1. To inculcate healthy habits among staff.

2. To establish environmental awareness of our surroundings.

3. To adopt a team of healthy staff members

Aim of Team Building event

The aim of the team building event was to enhance a healthy community for better service delivery.


The event was conducted as per the attached Programme. Events included a session of open fun and games talk by staff on what they are currently doing, team challenge exercises on how well staff members know each other, and lectures on topical issues were presented as slides.

To view a recording of the Library team building event, CLICK HERE.