Library Resources

Information on Publishing

Know why you should publish and how to avoid predatory journals

EBSCO Discovery Service

Access the Library's entire collection of electronic resources from one search point

Academic Integrity

Understand plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to access the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool

Online Helpdesk/Feedback System


The Library and Information Services aim at empowering the University to perform its core functions through the provision of quality information resources for teaching, learning, research, and consultancy. To provide effective and efficient services, the library endeavors to continuously improve its service delivery.

One of the services identified by the library that requires re-engineering is the feedback systems. The librarian email system currently used for feedback is tedious, inefficient, and time-consuming.

To ensure customers are treated right, the library aims to put in place proper systems to provide high-quality, just-in-time, and affordable and quantifiable services.

The library identified feedback as a priority service. The library conducted a survey to assess the current feedback delivery system and the findings indicated the need for re-engineering the service to improve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. The library, therefore, applied information technology to improve the service.

To improve feedback service and reduce lengthy procedures, the library developed an online feedback system to replace the email system and promptly meet the needs of the users.

This innovation has been implemented and the process of sensitizing the users on the use of the service, monitoring, and evaluation is in progress. The online feedback system has proved to be efficient and effective in providing feedback service.

The library, therefore, recommends that this service be replicated by other departments at the University of Nairobi to improve service delivery. The following is the link to the library's online feedback service -

20 June 2022

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