
E-Books Databases


Ebrary academic complete offers access to more than fifty thousand electronic books in all subject areas.

Emerald Business Management and Economics eBook Series

This series currently offers online access to a growing collection of more than 550 volumes from more than 70 book series titles. The series features relevant, international and trusted content in many fields including strategy, economics, accounting and finance and human resource management.



Project MUSE provides online access to almost 500 full-text journals from 140 non-profit publishers in the humanities and social sciences.

E-Journals Databases



Over 11,000 full text, peer-reviewed journals, over 15,000 abstracted and indexed titles. Access to 8 major databases: Academic Search Premier; Business Source Premier; ERIC; Masterfile Premier; Newspaper Source; Health Source : Nursing & Academic; Health Source : Consumer Edition; Medline



Emerald Management, features 140 Business and Management journals and Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection, features 19 Engineering journals all of which are peer-reviewed and fully searchable, plus reviews from the world's top 300 management journals


Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies. Springer’s eJournals cover a wide range of subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences

Print Collection

OPAC (Online Catalogue)

UoN Research

Institutional Repository

Access Theses, research papers and articles done by UoN Community

Exam Past Papers

Link to past papers..... (coming soon)